This website is operated by the following Herbalife Nutrition Independent Member: Andrew Hill, 20 Shakespeare Close, Leicester, LE3 2SX. Tel: 07845555766. Email:

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How to Lose Weight Easily with Herbalife

How to Lose Weight Easily with Herbalife

Just a cucumber.

Weight loss isn’t easy. If it was, you wouldn’t be here yet here you are! Hello. This is a safe space. Relax, I’ve got you. First thing’s first, why do you want to lose weight? Is it because:

  • You want to improve your health?
  • You no longer feel comfortable in your own skin and want to regain a former or better self?
  • You’re always tired and worried about what the future holds, unable to climb the stairs without being out of breath, unable to keep up with the kids and grandkids?
  • You want to love yourself again.

Now, let me ask, do you really want to lose weight? Or would you rather lose body fat, improve your strength, become healthier and all of this WITHOUT cutting out the foods you love? It really is possible and I make it easy. But I have to be blunt with you, what I say might cut deep initially but it comes from a place of love. I want you to succeed and I believe that to be honest with ourselves, we have to be honest with each other and that means telling each other things we don’t want to hear.

I’m going to take care of your weight management journey, help you to lose weight easily, burn body fat effortlessly and learn how to do this without feeling rubbish and it’s so, so easy. I can’t stress how easy it is. But it means forgetting everything you’ve learned about weight loss so far. Poof. Is it gone? Don’t worry about it.

There’s just 6 steps to effortless weight loss and it all starts with you. You have to be ready and willing to make a change.

  1. First, you need to get a picture of your current diet right now. This will let you know how far away you are from where you need to be, diet wise.
  2. Next, you need to understand where you need to be to maintain a healthy, varied and balanced diet that’s an appropriate number of calories to maintain a healthy weight. For men, the recommended caloric intake is 2500 per day, and for women, its just 2000 calories per day and you already know, that’s not a huge amount of food!
  3. Now, this is the MOST IMPORTANT bit. You must gradually reduce your caloric intake over time until you’re at your recommended caloric intake to maintain your weight. Trust me, if you are obese (per your BMI, with a high percentage of body fat), this alone will be enough to start losing weight but the weight loss won’t last forever. The reason why you lose weight as an obese person when you’re eating the recommended intake is because the heavier you are, the more calories you burn at rest to sustain the additional weight, the rate you burn calories at rest will reduce as your weight declines but there is a way to prevent this from occurring. We will talk about metabolism in other posts but it is crucial to fat loss to maintain an high metabolism; I’ll teach you exactly how to do this, just sign up to our newsletter at
  4. You need to sustain this recommended daily intake of calories for men and women for at least a month or longer, until the cravings to overeat become easily manageable, this will enable you to form a positive habit.
  5. Once you’ve formed the habit of eating only as much as you need to eat, you can now enter a controlled calorie deficit. This means you gradually reduce your caloric intake in exactly the same way as you did in step 3. You’ll maintain this deficit until you decide you no longer want to restrict your calories, and then you will start to eat normally again, in the same portions as you were in step 4.
  6. When you decide to go again, you just do. And you do this every time you feel the need to until you’re at your target weight and body fat percent. If you find your weight creeping back up, you can simply start the process again, as many times as is necessary.

That’s the theory, but how do we apply it? The LEAF Method teaches you how to apply these six steps and takes it all the way back to basics. It gives you the tools you need, which we will share in upcoming posts, to lose weight and eliminate fat easily, sometimes in as little as 12 weeks!

Why have we taken the wrong approach to fat loss and weight loss for so long?

When it comes to dieting, most people approach it as a temporary thing. As a means to an end. That’s why companies like Weight Watchers and Slimming World do so well… if they worked, they’d be out of business! We don’t teach you that dieting is temporary. Your diet is permanent, you can alter your diet and make temporary changes but we’re not talking about temporary changes… Whilst some changes will be temporary (whilst in a caloric deficit), we teach you that you NEED to permanently alter your diet. And I don’t think I’m telling you anything you don’t already know, you’ve had this in the back of your mind for years.

The traditional approach of controlling portions and counting calories, for the majority, simply doesn’t work and whilst I will teach you how to count calories and control portions through tools like meal prep and batch cooking, we will focus more on a more liberating means of losing weight and body fat! You WILL achieve the fat loss results you’ve been trying to achieve for a very long time.

Herbalife Shake with Formula 1

How does Herbalife make it easy to lose weight?

Herbalife takes care of your inner nutrition for you. When eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, incorporating Herbalife Nutrition products into your diet can make weight loss easier by helping you to maintain a caloric deficit. Simple guidelines, even simpler than the six steps outlined above, will help you to feel re-energised and get you feeling more like you again.

Our Formula 1 Healthy Meal shake offers a quick, balanced and nutritionally complete meal in a quick and easy format. It only has 220 calories per serving which includes 18g of protein and 4g of fibre, all of these help you to maintain a calorie deficit whilst keeping you feeling fuller for longer – I’ll go into how our hormones (especially those involved in making us feel hungry and full and how our obesity affects these hormones and the outcomes of doing so). All you do is mix two scoops with water or a dairy alternative. It’s that easy. You can buy it on our website at a huge discount!


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This website is operated by the following Herbalife Nutrition Independent Member:

Andrew Hill 

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