This website is operated by the following Herbalife Nutrition Independent Member: Andrew Hill, 20 Shakespeare Close, Leicester, LE3 2SX. Tel: 07845555766. Email:

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Herbalife Shaker


This single-pack shaker cup combines functionality with the latest Herbalife branding, making it an essential accessory for your daily nutrition routine. Whether you’re mixing up a Formula 1 Shake or any other drink, the leak-proof filter ensures smooth blending and no spills, allowing you to enjoy your shake wherever you go.

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SKU 100M Category


Transparent with a darker green lid, featuring the new Herbalife Nutrition logo. This sleek and practical shaker is perfect for preparing your shakes on the go, offering both convenience and style.

Key Features:

  • Leak-Proof Closure Filter: Designed to ensure your shakes stay securely inside, with no messy leaks.
  • Lightweight and Portable: Ideal for busy lifestyles, this shaker cup is easy to carry, whether you’re heading to the gym or rushing out the door.
  • Branded Design: Show off your Herbalife Nutrition pride with the latest logo prominently displayed on the cup.

This single-pack shaker cup combines functionality with the latest Herbalife branding, making it an essential accessory for your daily nutrition routine. Whether you’re mixing up a Formula 1 Shake or any other drink, the leak-proof filter ensures smooth blending and no spills, allowing you to enjoy your shake wherever you go.

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This website is operated by the following Herbalife Nutrition Independent Member:

Andrew Hill 

Your one-to-one relationship with your personal Member is key to meeting your nutrition goals. If Andrew Hill is not your personal Member, we encourage you to purchase your products from your existing Member. Alternatively, click here to continue to this website.
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